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Kaal Sarpa Yog
Kaal Sarp Dosha implies many meanings in Sanskrit, but there is danger and a threat to life associated with the word. Of its many meanings, we can safely conclude that Kaal means time, and Sarp means snake or serpent. Kaal Sarp Dosh can cast its inauspicious shadow over property, finances and health. If Kaal Sarpa Dosha is not thwarted, its influence makes the simplest of works, the most difficult to perform.
The only way to counter these harmful effects that can ruin your entire life is through Kaal Sarp Yog. It is only by experience that you can be sure of Kaal Sarp Yog benefits. Practices like not eating outside food for a year, avoiding alcohol and non-vegetarian food – these are the Kaal Sarp Yog effects. Other methods like chanting the mantra of Maha Mrutyunjay and methods like visiting the temple of Lord Shiva, regularly, every Monday are the part of Kaal Sarp Yog Puja. The benefits of yog are well known, hence it is no surprise that performing specific pranayam exercises are certain to come under the section of Kaal Sarp Yog benefits.
Many of you would still like to know – what is Kaal Sarp Yog? Be positive, for once you perform the pranayam; you can be sure about the Kaal Sarp Yog effects – the wonders that is does to the body. Most of you esteemed readers would know that Kaal Sarp Yog is the best remedy against all evil. All yoga that is there in the world is for the benefit of the human body, supposed to elevate suffering and make the body light with bliss, peace and tranquility. Other rituals involving Kaal Sarp Dosh include the practice of various rituals. These Kaal Sarpa Dosha ceremonies include not in taking food at occasions like child birth, marriage, and house – warming ceremony, cradle ceremony and death.
Certain practices, rituals and ceremonies are a must if you want to ward off the effect of Kala Sarpa Dosham. You need not worry at all, such dark elements have existed in this world for centuries, but at the same time the remedy has always been around in the form of Kaal Sarp Yog. The whole elements of Kaal Sarpa Yog are based on the principle is divided into 360 degrees. It is when certain planets align in a certain pattern that you come across the malicious effects of Kaal Sarp Dosh. So rest easy and let the benefits of Kaal Sarp Yog fill your life with new colours. A kaal sarpa yog is said to be present in the horoscope of a person, if all the seven planets are situated or hemmed between Rahu and Ketu. Rahu is considered as a serpent, and Ketu is deemed as its tail. Thus, all planets are surrounded by these malefic elements, in case of the kaal sarpa yoga. In Indian Vedic Astrology, Rahu and Ketu are considered as very powerful malevolent planets, and therefore, bad influences of these should not be taken lightly.
The most prominent types of kaal sarpa yog, are the following:
- Ananth kaala sarpa yoga
- Kulik kaala sarpa yoga
- Vaasuki kaala sarpa yoga
- Shankhpal kaala sarpa yoga
- Padma kaala sarpa yoga
- Maha padma kaala sarpa yoga
- Takshaka kaala sarp yoga
- Karkotaka kaala sarpa yoga
- Shankachood kaala sarpa yoga
- Ghaatak kaala sarpa yoga
- Vishadhar kaala sarpa yoga
- Sheshanaag kaala sarpa yoga