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Health Problems


Most of the people who go to astrologers ask questions about their health. But very few people go to an astrologer and asking about their health unless they are suffering from a really serious disease. For example a person who is constantly suffering from problems in his stomach or a person suffering from migraine on a regular basis would usually ask about other things and not raise these issues at all.

Medical Astrology (as this aspect of the study is called) enables us to work around the timing of diseases, or accidental injuries, or other health problems and to estimate the duration of any illness. This is very useful, as well as being reassuring to sufferers.

Health issues are largely governed by the sixth house and its planetary ruler, along with the ascendant and its planetary ruler in a nativity (personal birth chart). The situation of the Sun and Moon are also significant, as are the placement of Saturn (chronic conditions) and Mars (acute conditions).

Health Problems Solution by Astrologer Karan Sharma

One can get permanent health problems solution by astrology as it is based on the studies of the location of planets and the disturbance occurred in the individual due to it. Every man has different birth chart and so physical condition of the individual depends on the horoscope diagram. For remaining fit in life, certain tips and advice are given by the astrologer to the people that they have to follow. The suggestion is given on the basis of obstacle caused by the heavenly bodies and its influence in the physical condition. Among the noted horoscope reader, Pandit karan sharma has gained international importance in solving the disturbance of planets in the human being.

He read the past, present and future of men and woman by the diagrams that contains the location and movements of the heavenly bodies. He can study the mind of the individual and provide better remedies to cure the health problem. Astrologer Sharma comes from a family of horoscope reader and able to understand thing better due to his good family background that make him genetically sound in this field. Even, he done a deep research on the medical analysis through reading birth chart and made his strong presence in this area.
